Visionary antidote

“No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings”
(William Blake)

Let’s start today because, at a time like this, we can’t do anything else.

Opinions, debates, interpretations, small talk, creep into our daily lives through a dense network of channels that we let flow.
The media, social profiles, politics, science and the economy are pushing us to pratically consider the positive or negative consequences that the current situation will create once the emergency is resolved.
However, we believe that a “higher” point of view is missing, that goes beyond political beliefs, conspiracy hypotheses, attention to the reality of the moment, ordinary observation.
This point of view belongs to something that only the artist can investigate, intuit, perceive as if in front as a form of vision.
The project at hand invites you to start from the idea of wanting to protect the world, and to do so, we need to build a bridge between the visible and the invisible by creating, through our art, figures we can turn to in times of need.
Idols? Gods? Let’s call them “protectors.” They are like antidotes that neutralize poisons.
At all times, in every civilization, man has invoked the protectors of places and people, benign and malignant forces to whom he turns to avoid misfortune, to increase courage, to enhance health, to improve fertility, manage events, but also to strike enemies, launch curses, induce disease.
Through these figures, people and individuals have sought and are still seeking how to act on the uncontrolled to tame it.
We would like to ask you to portray your personal idol, your protector, the antidote, creating his image from an iconographic source or from an inner vision.
Depending on the interest and sensitivity of each artist, inclined to face the theme with a more serious or more playful approach, there is an endless amount of images, which can be a source of inspiration both as regards the contents and the iconography.
We invite you to do a personal research about the protective deities in past and current civilizations, in sacred art linked to religions of all latitudes, in popular worship, in the imagination of manga and superheroes, video games, role-playing games, of sagas, in pop culture…


– You can create from one to a maximum of five works of painting, drawing, illustration, engraving, photography, digital art, collage, sculpture. You can join with specially created or already existing works.

– Free format, technique and support.

– Post the images on your Instagram profile by tagging @antidoto.visionario with the hashtag #antidotovisionario;  or send the images to the email address

– Always list the name and surname of the author and the title, year, technique and dimensions.

– Optional but desirable: print a postcard size 10×15 cm or 13×18 cm or equivalent dimensions in proportions with the image of your work, frank it on the back or envelope it, and send it to this address: Associazione Prologo, Via Ascoli 8/1, 34170 Gorizia, Italia. We will attach a pdf of the postcard with the layout to be glued on the back of the print. If you wish, write a sentence about the depicted work.

The idea is that the images of the works travel beyond borders and lockdowns.

– We are going to organize an exhibition and display all of all the postcards we received and some original works.

– With a reasoned selection of the collected works, we will create a digital pdf catalog which we will share on the association’s website, on our Facebook page and we will share it by email to our contacts.

– Deadline: August 31, 2020. September 30, 2020.

– Participation is free.

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via Graziadio Isaia Ascoli 8/1 - 34170 Gorizia - Italia - C.F. 91026630318